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Submit a Pet Memorial

Instructions for Submission
As a free service to our clients and friends we are offering online Pet Memorials where a photograph of your dear, departed pet will be featured on our clinic website. To have your pet(s) included in the Pet Memorial, you can simply complete the online submission form on the right.

Alternatively, you can send a photograph by surface mail, you can drop off your photo at the clinic or you can email your photo as a .jpg file attachment to You may include a short statement if you wish. Please indicate how you would like your pet listed: pet’s name only, pet’s name and last initial or pet’s name and last name. Please write your name, your pet’s name, your home address and telephone number on the back of each photograph. Although we will do our best to make sure you get your pictures back, we cannot guarantee safe return.

Pet's Name

Your Name

Your Email (required)

How would you like your pet listed?

Pet's Date of Birth

Date Pet Passed Away

Would you like to include another pet memorial site?

Your Message

Please upload a photo of your pet. If you don't have an electronic version, you can send a photograph by surface mail or you can drop off your photo at the clinic. Please write your name, your pet’s name, your home address and telephone number on the back of each photograph. Although we will do our best to make sure you get your pictures back, we cannot guarantee safe return.

White Bear Animal Hospital